East Texas Legal Services, Inc.1425 College DriveP. O. Box 170Texarkana, TX 75504Phone: (903) 793-7661Fax: (903) 792-2150Toll Free: (800) 568-3587Low income legal assistance.Provides quality legal services to persons within the following counties: Bowie and Cass in Texas; Miller, Lafayette, Little River and Hempstead in Arkansas. Applications for services taken over the telephone Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Outside Texarkana area, call 1-800-568-ELTS (3857) Ernest W. Brown, Jr., Managing Attorney; Edward Long, Jr., Senior Attorney; Joyce Grissom, Senior Paralegal; Jo Ann Galloway, Asst. to MA; Terri J. Peek, Legal Secretary. Office open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central offices located in Nacogdoches, TX. Other branch offices in Tyler, Longview, Huntsville, Paris, Nacodoches, and Beaumont. Paul Furrh, Executive Director. Low income persons only. Poverty guidelines established by Congress.Legal East Texas Legal Services, Inc.ID: 1435Category: 27:Legal SubCategory: 774:Law Offices |